Gerri Guastella
School Counselor & Anti-Bullying Specialist - Wolf Hill School
Phone: (732) 542-0683 x2114
Guidance Department - Wolf Hill School
Mrs. Guastella is Wolf Hill's Counselor with ten years of experience in School Counseling. Mrs. G. is available to all students at Wolf Hill and is excited for the opportunity to work in this community working with all of the families of Oceanport and Sea Bright. This page's goal is to provide information to the Guidance Department's services and resources. Mrs. G. looks forward to working together!
Counseling Services
1:1 Counseling
Students meet individually with their Guidance Counselor. The goal of individual counseling is short term and solution-focused depending on the concern being discussed.
Small Group Counseling
Students meet in weekly small groups (ranging in 3-6 students) with the Guidance Counselor. These sessions run for 10-12 weeks in length and are tailored to particular themes the students were recommended for by their classroom teacher or parent/guardians. Topics of small group may range from Social Skills, Worry Warriors, Friendships Skills, Managing Strong Feelings, or Family Changes.
Parent/Teacher Consult
The Guidance Counselor is available to meet with a parent and/or teacher to discuss any specific concerns. These meetings play an important role in maintaining open communication between home and school.
Classroom Lessons
Each classroom will receive one monthly lesson as a large group setting. The lessons will range from Skills for Learning, Emotional Management, and Problem Solving.
The goals of the Counselor working with students include gaining confidence in themselves, taking responsibility for their actions, problem-solving skills, and continuing to develop positive relationships with themselves and with others.
Working with teachers and families to communicate your child's individual needs allows the partnership between home and school to strengthen and ensure we are optimizing your child's success.
If you would like to discuss your child further and request the counselor meet with your child, please reach out via telephone or email.